New Blender Theme – Moonshine Blue

One of the things that i always wanted to rework is my Blender theme. The new version is called Moonshine Blue, and can be found in the Others, Blender Addons category.

EDIT 22.8.2015, why does nobody tell me that the link links to the wrong file? Fixed by now. Now the link really downloads the Moonshineblue theme …

Nibbler Valley Beta

Ah, beta fun. My shooting method is still killing me with its inacurracy. The Unity physics is simply not accurate enough for what i want to do here. So i have to rewrite it completely. This needs a while. And so i have at least refined my current method a bit more to make the game playable. There were too much coins missing at the borders. This flaw should be fixed now.

And i have packed the linux version als tar.gz now.

It’s under games.