Bforartists 0.4.0

There’s news at my Blender Fork Bforartists. Version 0.4.0 is the final stroke below two very big issues that did not work for me. The try to implement the UI solution Qt. And the try to implement new Editor types. This two biggies have eaten lots of time, without a visible result. And that’s why the version 0.4.0 is rather small. The 0.4 series will be reserved for some smaller adjustments instead.

Highlights of this new version: GPU rendering is now possible. I had totally overlooked that Cuda did not work in Bforartists. The new icons became a refinement. They look now (hopefully) much better. The Add menu is now finally completely in the Tool Shelf. And we have a new menu called navi. It contains the navigation tools. The Navigation menu was formerly burried in the Views menu. To have it top level makes it possible to remove the Transform panel from the Tool Shelf.

More info can be found in the Release Note:

The download can be found in the download section:

Blender 2.76 PDF Manual

I need to convert the Blender manual for the Blender fork Bforartists. This has lead to this side product. The whole Blender 2.76 manual in PDF format.

Can be found in Other / Blender related / Blender 2.76 Manual as PDF

Or download it directly here:

Blender 2.76 PDF Manual, 76.3 Mb

Additionally it comes with the whole manual in ODT format too. Which makes the manual now editable for everybody. ODT is the format for the popular free office suites LibreOffice and OpenOffice.

Blender 2.76 Manual in ODT format , 198 Mb

Bforartists 0.3.1 released.

Bforartists Version 0.3.1 is out. Grab it from the download section

Version 0.3.1 is a little quickshot to connect some loose ends that i had overlooked for version 0.3.0.

Some more double menu entries removed. And the splash screen image is updated because of a ongoing troll problem with the old splash image.

A full list of the changes can be found in the release note:

Bforartists Version 0.2.2 released

Bforartists Version 0.2.2 is out. Grab it from the download section:
A full list of the changes can be found in the release note:

This release is rather small. The main work for this version was to develop the Important Hotkeys addon, which is included into Bforartists now. The scripting layout is changed, including some tweaks at the menu. It has now a File menu like every standard text editor. And we have some more minor tweaks like readded hotkeys, a handful new menu items and some more removed double entries. Really not this much.

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New Blender addon – Important hotkeys

Important hotkeys is a Blender addon that displays some important hotkeys in the upper left corner. So that a new user doesn’t have to do a big research right after the first contact to find out the most basic navigation things.

The Blender version of the addon is a side effect of the current development of Bforartists. Here i need some hint text to show new users how to do basic things like navigation. It runs also in Blender, so while at it …

The plugin is feature complete with this version. And does what it should do. But there might still be some quirks. And i might add some more hotkeys. When you think you know a hotkey that should make it into the plugin, then feel free to make a suggestion  🙂

It is in Other/ Blender Addons

Bforartists Version 0.2.0 and updated Moonshine Blue theme

I totally forgot to post about the progress of Bforartists here ^^

To make a long story short, it’s nearly four weeks now that i have released version 0.2.0 of Bforartists already. Which is technically equal to Blender 2.76. Minus the game engine. The fork itself is going well. The progress is slow but steady. And i still search for volunteers 🙂

More can be read here:

Currently i work at the keymap. And i found some little flaws at my Moonshine Blue theme while working at it, since i use this theme in Bforartists. I have fixed the flaws, and have uploaded the new version here. Download stays the same. It’s in Other / Blender Addons / Moonshine Blue Theme.

Blender Fork Bforartists searches for volunteers

Hey everybody

I have started what nobody wanted to start so far, me included. A Blender fork. The project has now reached the point to call for help. The point to ask for volunteers, to organize the pipeline, and the point to start the development. So here we go.

What is Bforartists?
Yes, you have read right. Bforartists is a fork of the popluar open source 3d software Blender. And is, similar to Blender, of course also open source and under the GPL V3 license.

A this big project is of course nothing anymore that i could develop here at Reiner’s Tilesets. Here you can find the webpage for the project:

A Blender fork? R u MAD?
No! I know exactly what i am doing

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