Bforartists Version 0.9.3 released

Bforartists 0.9.3 is released. The windows binarires can now be found in the download section. I cannot say though when the Linux and Mac versions will follow.

The download is here:
Release Note can be found here:

The new version brings all the goodies from Blender 2.79. Like Denoiser, PBR Shader, Shadow Catcher, Flimic Color Management, etc. . Please have a look at the Blender 2.79 release note at the Blender page for the new features. Important is the compatibility note. Blender 2.79 is not fully backwards compatible to earlier version anymore. And this affects of course Bforartists 0.9.3 too.

The changes in Bforartists itself sums up to over 100 changes again, but are each rather small. The last weeks and months were in big parts spent at documentation and tutorials. Unbelievable how time consuming this chapter is. That’s why Bforartists 0.9.3 brings mainly fixes and some small changes and cleanup operations. And we had some inconsistencies in the hotkeys again. F2 to call the console is removed since it conflicts with Linux build. The Properties sidebars now all opens with Ctrl T, not longer with N. And we have readded the hotkey to Loopcut and Slide, since it is a fundamental modeling tool, and often used.

Bforartists 0.9.3 is the merge of Blender 2.79 into Bforartists. And it’s a big one. Such merges brings always the danger of regressions. Some features can quit working, or some Blender features doesn’ t work in Bforartists then. We did our best, and i hope we have not too many of them. When you find something, then please report in the tracker.

The updated manual chapters will shortly follow.

Blender Nodes Icons Panel addon – new version 0.9.5

The nodes icons panel provides you with icon buttons for the tool shelf in the Node editor.

The first version was incomplete, it covered just the materials. This version covers now all tabs and cases in the Node editor for Blender 2.78c. And it is a bit different organized.

Grab the Blender addon here:

Bforartists 0.9.2 released

New version of Bforartists available.

The download can as usual be found in the download section:
More info can be found in the Release Note:

Bforartists Version 0.9.2 is around cleaning up the menus and connecting some loose ends. It adds some more tools to the toolbar editor. We have over 50 new icons. Again quite a few double menu entries were catched and removed. Some more tools made it into the tool shelf. The Toolbar type View is gone, and replaced by the Toolbar Type Mesh Edit. It also brings a few important fixes. The Mac build now compiles. The Player and quite a few other missing things is now onboard too.

And we have again some vital changes at the keymap to remove some conflicts and inconsistencies. Most important one is that Move and Rotate in the Viewport is now switched to be consistent with the rest of the editors. Now the Middle Mouse button pans the view like in the Image Editor. And Right Mouse rotates the view.

Bforartists 0.9.1 released

Bforartists Version 0.9.1 is a bug fix release that fixes some show stoppers. Bforartists did not compile at Linux because of wrong Python version. The addons in the Testing category didn’t show. And quite a few addons didn’t work anymore.

The hotkey map was here and there flawed. And not loger in sync with the manual. This keymap manual part is also updated to the latest version now. Affected is the chapter 2.1 Bforartists Standard Keymap.pdf . Most important change is that the Q key now toggles the 3D widget. While the former to Q assigned rectangle zoom is not longer hotkeyed.

The download can be found in the download section:
More info can be found in the Release Note:

Bforartists Version 0.9.0 released

Blender Fork Bforartists Version 0.9.0 is out

Release Note:

Version 0.9.0 brings the features of Blender 2.78 C to Bforartists. Wich is a big step towards version 1.0. Just some minor changes and rearrangements are missing now at the software. The biggest part will be documentation. And there is a ton of work waiting here.

The merge with Blender 2.78 makes the very most issues in the release note. It was necessary to go through nearly every formerly implementation. So don’t wonder that the release log is this huge. Fingers crossed that not too much is broken by the merge.

But we also have some changes here and there. The hotkey map gots a few new entries from Blender 2.78. I still have to find out what is what, if those new entries are really necessary. And i have to fix the manual part for the keymap. Another bigger issue is that the toolbar uses internally now the AddonPreferences of an addon to store its props. Which means that you now have to save the user preferences instead of saving the startup file to store the changes. The former implementation made trouble with loading a file. The toolbar gots reset by that.

At this point a thank you to all involved in the team 🙂

Server Upgrade

The server is under an upgrade, and will be temporary down in the next few hours. So don’t worry when you cannot reach the page. We will be back soon.

EDIT, the task is done, the page is running at the new server now.