Category Archives: Allgemein

New 3D mesh – TreeB

I was at the chapter trees anyways. So i made quickly a new tree. The tree is made with the Untiy tree maker, and contains the original file so that you can change the tree to your needs too. Have fun with it 🙂

TreeB can be found in 3D graphics / Plants

New Tutorial – Vertexpainting Tutorial for animated Trees in Unity

Tutorial time.

I had in the last times my fun to find out how to prepare a tree for Unity so that it bends in the wind with the T4M terrain system. And because this made me so much trouble i decided to create a litte tutorial for that, which explains all needed steps. It is surely of use for some of you 🙂

This tutorial explains the workflow and how to setup a tree and so that it bends in the wind in Unity by using the ats mobile foliage shaders and Blender for the vertex painting part. This works by giving the mesh different vertex colours. The result will bend then by the ats wind script or the T4M Terrain system wind settings, dependand of the painted colour.

You can find the tutorial in the Tutorials section. Or at Youtube when you follow this link:

New 3D textures – Cobblespath

Not really a base texture. But also no mesh. But fits into 3D. Not the first time where i was unsure where to put this. So i finally made a new category for it. Called 3D textures. For Textures that can be used in game directly. Like a texture for a path. A cobblespath texture in this case.

Can be found in the new category 3D Graphics / 3D Textures

New 3D Mesh – Grassborderpieces

I had a bit of headaches if i should really release this meshes. They are not really final pieces. I use them to create my sharp grassborders that i need for the game mechanics by placing them around in the level. And when done i combine them all to one mesh, clean the resulting mesh up by removing not necessary geometry, and here and there i even need to do some UV work again.

As told, those pieces are just a  in-between. But i could bet that those pieces are nevertheless useful for some of you. So you get them. Have fun with it 🙂

You will find them in 3D graphics, Misc

Devlog Update Alister

Yes, i still work at this game. But it goes really slow at the moment. Always amazing how much time goes into the simplest things. That`s why i have nothing new to show at the moment. But i have nevertheless added a few lines of comment to the Devlog.

Closer infos can be found in the Games section / In Development – Alister

WordPress Trouble

As you may have noticed, i had some trouble with my page in the past two days. The newest WordPress update has damaged my installation. My page was temporarily unavailable because of the necessary maintenance job. Reuploading the backups needs its time. The problem is fixed for now. And everything should work as thought again.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

New 3D Mesh – Pasture Fence

Wow, was the last posting really six weeks ago? Time is really running when you develop a game. A bit level design here, a bit coding there, nothing really to see, but six weeks are gone.

Anyways. Here comes something simple. A wooden fence piece. Can be found in 3D Graphics – Buildings.