Category Archives: Allgemein

Alister final Version

It is done. Alister is finally released. Here comes the gold version.

I have again found some small bugs and quirks. Like english text where it should be german. See release note.

And that’s it. The development is complete. The work of 2 years and 10 months comes to an end. Big thanks goes to all the people who gave me feedback and helped me with problems, ideas and bug reports. I hope you enjoy the game as much as i have enjoyed the development 🙂

You can find Alister in the games section down the list now. It is sorted by release years …

Note that the Beta versions are removed now. Please download the final version from the Alister page.

Servermove complete

The move to the new server is complete. Everything is back working. And the page runs at the new server now. There’s some fine tuning left. But that shouldn’t disturb anymore.

Note that i will drop my old domain with the move at the end of the month. The one without the ” s ” at the end. No need to keep two domains running for one page. This just costs money. So please update your bookmarks in case you still use the old domain name.

Blender Addon – Create Isocam

Here comes the next Blender addon. Create Isocam creates an orthographic camera with which you can render isometric views. You can of course set the whole thing up by hand. This script saves you the work though.

You can choose between three camera setups.

– A camera setup for true mathematical isometric
– A camera setup with a view that is needed to render traditional isometric graphics for a 2D game with a ratio of 2 to 1
– A camera setup to render a special game iso format with a ratio of 4 to 3

It’s in Other / Blender Addons / Create Isocam

Blender Addon – Reset 3D View

And now for something completely different. I got my hands dirty at Python and a very first Blender addon. And with big big help at the Blenderartists Forum i managed to create something working.

It is  very simple, and is called Reset 3D View. As the name says, it resets all open 3D Views to a standard view. This helps with orientation in the workspace when you have navigated yourself away. And is very useful for me. I use the same tool in trueSpace since years very regularly. And now i can use it in Blender too.

The useage is simple. You can access the plugin by the 3D view menu item View. Or by the hotkey Numpad Asterisk (above the Numpad nine).

The Blender devs are unfortunately not really convinced of its usefulness. They refused to implement it into the trunk, and they refused to host the plugin at their page. So i host it at my own page.

It is available as a direct download:

And you can find a detailled description and download it at the Blender Wiki too:

EDIT; i have meanwhile also added a new category for my Blender scripts. There is minimum one more coming. And then let’s have a look.

The new category is located in the Other section, Blender Addons.

Server trouble

I will change my hoster in six weeks. When everything works well then you won’t even notice this. But i wanted to tell it early enough.

There is unfortunately a problem with my current hoster. The server stutters as you may have noticed already. It is sporadically not available. Bad timing since i change my hoster in six weeks anyways.

We are still at searching where the error is. Without luck. When it becomes too bad then It may happen that i may need to reinstall the server. This one would mean that the server is unavailable for quite a few hours or even days. Because i would have to reinstall the OS from scratch, would have to tweak everything, and i would have to reupload the whole content too.

I want to avoid that. Because it is lots of work. And it’s just six weeks anyways. As it is now the server has gaps, but they are not so dramatic.

Anyways. Don’t worry when the page is not available. I’ll be back. At the latest in six weeks 😉

WordPress and

As some of you know, i use WordPress for my webpage. By coincidence i stumbled across the fact that WordPress now phones home to Google by default since the new version, to load a webfont. They have implemented a call to in the webpage somewhere. So everytime somebody calls my webpage, then Google counts this call too.

This is really nasty from WordPress! And my sympathy for WordPress has sunken quite a bit. My webpage is my property. And not an advertising or user counting platform for Google. Such things makes me really angry.

There is fortunately already a plugin avaliable that disables the calls to It’s called Disable Google Fonts. And can be found in the WordPress Plugins. I have installed this plugin now. Fingers crossed that this prevents any further calls to

I use a standard font anyways. And everything still looks normal to me. I hope that it doesn’t look too bad for others now.

Alister Beta Version

The next beta is here. This version comes with over 80 bugfixes. Beware, Beta! 😉

You can find more informations in the Games section, In Development, Alister.

I have as promised removed the old alpha versions. Please update your links in case you have linked to them.