Category Archives: Allgemein

I am right

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I am right!

Normally i develop games. But from time to time i feel for making a still. All three or four years or so.

The motif is in my head since quite a while. I made a scribble for it long ago. Now i have finally spent a few days to redo it in 3D. It took me four weeks to create everything up to this final render.

Modeling happened in trueSpace and Blender. Sculpting in 3D Coat. Texturing happened in Blender, 3D Coat and Gimp plus a homebrew tool called Halo Remover. Scene setup, rigging, posing, and rendering happened in Blender and Cycles. Post processing in Gimp. Levelling and adding the background image in the window.

Can also be found in the other category.

New 3D mesh – Football

I know i may a bit late. But maybe not too late. Here comes a football.

I have two versions here. One low poly version with around 700 quads. And a high poly version with around 36.000 quads. This one has a extra mesh for seams, and is meant for stills.

It’s in 3D graphics / misc. And 3D graphics / Highpoly

Neues Tutorial – Blender Einführungstutorial

Ich bin im Moment in Tutoriallaune.

Das Video ist ein kleines Einführungstutorial in das Open Source 3D Render und Animationsprogramm Blender. In diesem Video erkläre ich euch die Blender Oberfläche. Führe euch herum um zu zeigen was wo zu finden ist. Und ich zeige euch auch gleich ein paar Kniffe wie ihr Blender Oberfläche ein wenig verbessern könnt damit ihr euch bei der Bedienung nicht so schwer tut.

Das Tutorial wird es wohl auch in Zukunft nur in Deutsch geben. In englischer Sprache gibt es schon mehr als genug Einsteigervideos für Blender.

New 3D mesh – Teeth

I was never really happy with my current teeth solution. Which is a simple plane. You better don’t try to smile or to talk with that one. So i made some better teeth. It’s of course more polys. But looks definitely much better.

It’s in 3D graphics, Characters