Author Archives: Reiner

New 3D mesh – Hedgeparts

Again something for rapid prototoyping. Some hedgeparts that fits together. So that you can build square based hedges.

It`s in 3D graphics, Plants

I made unfortunately a mistake with the links for the Usertoolbars and the Iconset for Nvil. The links leaded to an old version each. So when you`ve downloaded it you may want to download it again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Nvil User Toolbars V3

Here comes Version 3 of the User Toolbars for Nvil. Again some vital changings. In this version the button are sorted by options and tools. And i have unioned more than one buttonset into one button with LMB, MMB and RMB functionality. The perfect starterkit to build your own toolbars from.

You can find the new stuff in the Other section / Nvil Icons.

New server is online

The new server is up and running. As usual there are still a few problems to fix though. So be patient when something stops working in the next days. This just means that i have grabbed my hammer to fix a few things at the server here and there 🙂

Server move

I have upgraded to a new serverconfiguration. More ram. My hoster cannot do this at the old server though. This means i have to move my whole content to a new server and to set up the whole installation from scratch. This is an enourmous effort, and may take several days until i am back into business. So don`t be scared when my page is not available for a few days. I`ll be back 🙂

Nvil User Toolbars V2

Here comes Version 2 of the User Toolbars for Nvil. This version of the user toolbars are with description and with hilighted buttons where necesary. This is the base toolbar with all buttons to build your own custom toolbars from.

I also had to update the iconset again. Some quirks always makes it through …

You can find the new stuff in the Other section / Nvil Icons.